Who are we? NUCC is a diverse group of people of mixed ages and backgrounds (mostly ANU students) who come together to enjoy outdoor activities. A completely volunteer run club, we enjoy activities like caving, canyoning, camping, bushwalking and enjoying the natural beauty of the Australian bush.
Caving is the activity of going underground into limestone caverns and having a great time. These caves are formed by water dissolving the limestone bedrock over thousands through millions of years, and come in a dazzling array of forms. Some are large and walkable, others require crawling, some require climbing, and yet others need technical ropework to access. NUCC visits them all.
What all these caves have in common is that they require enthusiasm, energy and dedication to visit. These aren’t the tourist caves that you might have visited at Wombeyan or Jenolan, these are the wild caves that are one of the last frontiers of exploration on this planet. They will challenge you as you walk, crawl, climb and possibly swim your way through them.
The reward for this is seeing fragile calcite grottoes of cave formations that so very few people have ever, or will ever set their eyes upon. You will get to explore and understand an activity and environment that is totally unlike anything that exists above the surface of this planet.
Our trips run roughly every fortnight during the university semester, and our trips are run for all levels of experience. We offer help and advice with the technical side of caving and provide all the required gear. The most important thing a member ever needs to bring along on a trip is themselves!
From day trips through weekend trips to longer expeditions, we go and do things as often as possible. Weekend and longer trips are usually associated with camping in the amazing Australian bush, frequently with a blazing campfire. Some trips also allow us to stay in caver’s accommodation like huts, which allows a relaxed and luxurious weekend.
We car pool to and from caving sites departing from ANU Sport. You don’t need a car to join as many of our members already have one and will be happy to take you. Fuel costs are shared between trip attendees.
Costs are as low as we can make them - most of us are poor, broke uni students anyway! Generally, there’ll be four potential cost components on a trip:
Usually this adds up to $10-20 for a day trip, and $25-50 for an overnight (or longer) trip, depending on where and how far away a caving location is. Compared to cost of commercial ‘adventure’ caving tour ($150-200 for a half day trip only), this is extraordinarily good value, and many of the caves we visit are better anyway (in the author’s utterly biased opinion).
Caving is a fantastic and dynamic activity, so come and give it a go with NUCC!
Click here for membership information