Caving Locations

NUCC regularly visits a large range of diverse cave systems, featuring attractions from underground rivers to pristine cave formation to deep, vertical pitches. All these can be found within an easy drive from Canberra, with our daytrips generally being 1-2h from ANU, and weekend trips being 2-4h from ANU.

There are around a dozen major caving areas within this radius of Canberra, making it definitely the best-placed Australian city to be a caver in (although Hobart comes a close second). NUCC visits most of these dozen areas with greater or lesser frequency, and we occasionally even run trips to lesser known caving areas.

So, without further ado, here is some information on our favourite local caving locations (Click the name for more info):

NUCC also runs the odd canyoning trip- they’re good practice for the deep and wet vertical caves in Tasmania and New Zealand (especially if you go canyoning in winter). If only people bolted canyons with rebelays so that you could treat them like a pot and prusik back out… Anyway, here is some information on the places we go canyoning around Canberra.