Old Inn Cave

Alas, there is no Inn anywhere near Old Inn, but oral history is that there was once upon a time, and that a nearby cave (thought to be Old Inn) was used as a survivalist bunker by the innkeeper. This is a beautiful streamway cave with three levels of passageway to explore. Some parts of the cave are extremely fragile and require detrog procedures. A chamber in Old Inn, Strawhaven, contains one of the most spectacular pieces of cave-bacon (shawls) in Yagby. The streamway passage also has some very pretty pink marble in it.

Old Inn is a tributary stream to Coppermine, and has been dyetraced to Coppermine. Alas, no one has ever found a route from Old Inn (or any of the other higher level caves that feed Coppermine) down to stream level at Coppermine, which would be an absolutely epic through-trip! Considering the volume of water that many of these caves sink, there should be some pretty neat passages yet undiscovered…