Recommencement of NUCC activities

Jun 12 2020 Lachie Bailey


As of the 12th June, we have received permission from ANU Sport to recommence activities. All activities will be occurring as outlined in the NUCC COVID Guidelines document, so please familiarise yourself with that before coming on trips or to SRT, or talk to the trip leader.

Due to the impact of the fires earlier this year, and ongoing NSW government restrictions on caving and canyoning, we’re a bit short of activities, although hopefully we’ll be able to get a trip list together in the next week or so. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please let us know (:

ANU Sport indoor facilities are currently closed, with a target of 20th June to reopen. This means that SRT indoors will hopefully return on the 23rd June, and we’ll give you a further update closer to the time. We will hopefully have an outdoor SRT session or trip before then, so keep an eye out.